Ongar – Cllr Peter Gode

As a lone Labour member of Epping Forest District Council I represent Shelley ward.

EFDC have recently carried out a public consultation on proposed/possible housing developments on greenbelt land surrounding Ongar, although there is a dire need for affordable housing there has to be careful consideration on building on the green belt.

Following the consultation the responses will need to be collated and reported back to the public and as members we will be involved in the process of deciding the way forward.

The land put forward would enable a further 3,000 houses which would totally change Ongar and would also need to have the infrastructure: doctors, transport, and schools etc. However the developments proposed would far exceed the amount of housing needed by EFDC for the next 20 years.

I also work with my Labour colleagues on Ongar Town Council who are:
Diana Roberts (chair)
Keith Tait
Alison Wingfield
Carol Knights
Frank Knights
Robert Prosser
Roger McNaulty

We form the bulk of the council and are instrumental in the recent upgrading of the Cerizay play area, and adult gym equipment at Love Lane. Diana Roberts as chair will soon hope to be signing for the councils acquisition of the former lorry park, an issue which has been burning since before I joined the council.

Cllr Peter Gode

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